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Community Blog

Technical Oversight Committee Candidacy

September 12, 2023

On July 19th 2023, the Technical Oversight Committee (TOC) became an official body of the FINOS charter. This group has a number of responsibilities including, shaping and growing the overall landscape of projects, and providing strategic direction to the board. There are currently 2 vacant seats at the TOC and today we’re announcing the opening for candidacies, starting on Monday 18th of September and closing on Monday 2nd of October.

Screenshot 2023-09-11 at 6.22.41 PM

If you’re either an active contributor of a FINOS project or an employee of a (FINOS) member organization, you can follow these simple steps to submit your candidacy:

  1. Review TOC responsibilities and ways of working; feel free to contact if you have any questions.
  2. Open a Github issue on with the following information:
    1. Title: [TOC Candidacy] <full name of the candidate>
    2. Affiliation: <name of the company you work for ; if not applicable, type “Independent”>
    3. Bio
    4. Reasons for candidacy: <member OR active contributor of project x,y,z or both>

Full timeline:

  • Monday 18 September - candidacy opens
  • Monday 2 October - candidacy closes
  • Monday 9 October - voting opens
  • Friday 13 October - voting closes
  • Monday 16 October - new TOC members are announced


Author: Maurizio Pillitu 


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